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Imagining the next future

Polygon’s Sci-fi Week celebrates our never-ending curiosity about what’s next

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Science fiction’s utopia problem

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How the new diversity is transforming science fiction’s future

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It’s worth studying sci-fi’s false predictions for our terrible dystopian futures

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Ambitious failures like The Fifth Element keep sci-fi films optimistic

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Apocalypse movies need to imagine climate solutions, too

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The pitfalls of inventing an alien civilization

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Mass Effect’s revival reminds us it’s time to abolish the space police

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The most influential science fiction books of the modern era

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The best games that make science fiction playable

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We need to reckon with our love of sexy robots

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The most important science fiction comics of the last 15 years

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Star Trek will never be perfect — and that’s the mission

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When blockbuster movies predict what’s next

Horizon Zero Dawn’s power comes from its story of motherhood

Pokémon posits a post-scarcity utopian future

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Sci-fi podcasts are auralizing the future

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The VR revolution has been 5 minutes away for 8 years

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Artists from around the world share their visions of the future

The unique paths Last of Us Part 2 and Watch Dogs: Legion took to visualize the future

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Science fiction has been radically reimagined over the last 10 years

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The TV shows plotting the next 1,000 years of humanity

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What does the future hold? In a time of what can seem like constant strife and uncertainty, the question becomes even more urgent. And as always, science fiction storytellers have imagined the answers — and continue to do so through the most turbulent times.

In our revived Sci-fi Week, Polygon revives its collection of sci-fi stories to once again look at how modern books, movies, TV, and games speculate on what’s to come, and the new voices who stretch their imaginations through time to imagine it. Yes, there are pillars of the genre that may never fall out of fashion (the beauty of setting a story hundreds of years in the future), but in 2020, there’s a whole new batch of sci-fi probing the great unknown.

What are the new rules of science fiction? How are storytellers rewiring classic tropes to be more urgent and reflective of our present? How are the stories of today shaping the world of tomorrow? Throughout our series, we’ll explore robot-filled societies of Earth, the far reaches of space, and even our own tangible future, as IRL innovators try to make dreams a reality. From dystopias to utopias and everything in-between, this is Polygon’s look at our next future.